Golden Scissor Puppets (GSP) was founded in 2018 by Opal, an intersex migrant from the Channel Islands, in a Footscray share house. Drawing inspiration from their early experiences at the Edinburgh Fringe and a deep interest in puppetry, Opal assembled a team of friends with minimal theatrical experience to form the troupe.

GSP is known for its innovative approach to puppetry and immersive theater. The company integrates giant puppets, live music, and analog visual effects to create compelling and immersive performances. The troupe’s work addresses themes such as climate change, social injustice, and human vulnerability through visually striking and thought-provoking narratives.

The company's notable productions include ANTHROPOCENE19, which depicted a dystopian climate crisis, and HELLMOUTH22, which explored societal obsessions in a post-lockdown world. Their latest production, MOTUS IN MORTE, concludes the Apocalypse trilogy, featuring giant puppets, shadow projections, and live music to examine themes of destruction and human frailty.

GSP has staged several near-sellout shows and conducted workshops for both children and adults across Melbourne. Their performances are often held in unconventional spaces and are complemented by original programs, such as zines, which enhance the immersive experience for audiences.

Golden Scissor Puppets continues to push the boundaries of traditional puppetry, offering performances that challenge conventional expectations and foster creativity and community engagement.